Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeCase VideoEmpowering Second Chances: JP Morgan's Advocacy for Clean Slate Legislation

Empowering Second Chances: JP Morgan’s Advocacy for Clean Slate Legislation

Unveiling the Impactful Waiting Workforce Sculpture Installation by JP Morgan

JP Morgan, in collaboration with The Glue Society, has taken a bold step towards advocating for the rights of individuals with criminal records seeking employment. Through a compelling sculpture installation in Philadelphia, the financial giant aims to shed light on the challenges faced by one in three Americans with criminal backgrounds.

The installation comprises thirty-eight human-shaped sculptures, meticulously crafted from the same legal paperwork required for ex-convicts to clear their records. Each sculpture symbolizes a state yet to enact clean slate legislation, emphasizing the pervasive barriers to employment, housing, and voting faced by individuals post-sentence.

As states progress in passing clean slate legislation, sculptures representing them will be dismantled, signifying tangible progress towards reform. Scott Bell, chief creative officer at Droga5, highlights the transformative power of creativity in driving social change, underscoring the urgency of addressing this often-overlooked issue.

Join us in amplifying awareness for the Waiting Workforce sculpture installation and advocating for nationwide clean slate legislation. Together, let’s empower individuals with criminal records to reintegrate into society and access the opportunities they rightfully deserve. #WaitingWorkforce #CleanSlateLegislation #SocialJustice #EmploymentOpportunities


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