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HomeCase VideoCannes 2024 Contender: EatQual Colours by McDonald’s India and DDB Mudra Group

Cannes 2024 Contender: EatQual Colours by McDonald’s India and DDB Mudra Group

When it comes to food, we eat with our eyes first

Food paints us a picture, and this picture triggers cravings and builds anticipation. Visual representation is one of the most important parts of the customer journey regarding food. However, for approximately 70 million color-blind individuals in India, this magic diminishes. Picture juicy red tomatoes, traditionally associated with deliciousness, losing their luster and appearing as a dull grey. The excitement vanishes. At McDonald’s India, we believe that choosing food should not be a guessing game and that everyone should enjoy the delightful excitement and promise of a McDonald’s meal.

As they continue to expand our efforts with EatQual, They widened the lens on the McDonald’s experience to tackle an inequity that is often invisible. We know that the magic of a McDonald’s meal starts well before you take the first bite. But for a large section of the population with color blindness, that experience was a muted one. They were dedicated to making the ordering process visually appealing for everyone.

This is how they developed McDelivery into the first color-blind-friendly delivery app in India, introducing the ‘Colour-Blind Friendly’ technology feature and launching it on World Sight Day, October 12, 2023.

The feature helps users select from three color enhancement options that allow color-blind people (people with color deficiency disorder) to see the real color of their food and drinks. All the McDonald’s commercials on YouTube now come with the option to be viewed as per one’s color blindness.

They enhanced the in-store experience to ensure that all their touchpoints reiterated our commitment to inclusivity. Within six months, the color-blind-friendly feature improved McDonald’s brand perception and positively impacted revenue growth. Around 16% of all McDelivery orders were placed using the color-blind-friendly feature.

This innovative campaign not only highlights McDonald’s commitment to inclusivity but also sets a new standard for the industry. By addressing the unique needs of color-blind individuals, McDonald’s and DDB Mudra Group have created a more inclusive and enjoyable dining experience for all customers.


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