Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeCampaign NewsAAMI: Lucky You're with AAMI, Crafted by Ogilvy Melbourne

AAMI: Lucky You’re with AAMI, Crafted by Ogilvy Melbourne

AAMI’s latest campaign, “Athletes in the Making,” tackles the challenge of young athletes surpassing their skills, showcasing how AAMI steps in to make things right. Developed by Ogilvy, this campaign is part of AAMI’s broader brand initiative emphasizing their role in resolving unique situations in Australia. It coincides with a major global sporting event and is now airing across TV, BVOD, Cinema, Social, Radio Spotify, and OOH platforms.


Strategy & Creative Agency: Ogilvy Australia
Production: Hogarth
Production Company: Scoundrel
Director: Tim Bullock
VFX: Blockhead VFX
Sound: Squeak E Clean Studios
Media: OMD
Photographer: Chris Tovo
Retoucher: Aaron Foster @ Studio ADFX
Client: AAMI (Suncorp)
CMO/EGM Brand & Customer Experience: Mim Haysom
Head of Brand & Content: Rapthi Thanapalasingam
AAMI Brand & Marketing Manager: Toby Gill
AAMI Marketing Lead: Liza Friedman
Mass Brands Marketing Specialist: Breanna Webster
AAMI Marketing Specialist: Sally Frank


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