Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeCampaign NewsJioGauSamriddhi : Dad, a stress-relieving gift

JioGauSamriddhi : Dad, a stress-relieving gift

“This is my father, Rajesh. His day starts with the sunrise. For forty years, his life has been intertwined with animals. Caring for cows isn’t just part of his routine, it’s a significant part of his life. Looking after the animals, cleaning the shed, milking, feeding… every task is on his shoulders. His biggest concern is ensuring the animals’ well-being. Keeping track of which cow is sick, which one is due for heat… it’s no easy task. But for my father, it’s more than a responsibility, it’s a bond of love. Seeing his dedication, I knew I had to do something. That’s when I found the solution – JioGauSamriddhi’s smart neck tag. It monitors the animals’ health day and night. We get alerts on our phone about any illness or upcoming heat cycles. My father’s worries lessened, he found some peace. And this peace is the greatest reward of my Father’s Day gift.”


Advertising Agency (School): Jio Agriculture In-House Team
Marketing Manager – Abhishek Betal
Strategy – Atul Maheshwari
Ops – Amit Malu
Performance Marketing – Siddartha Mohanty
Art Director,Editing and Others: Rajendra Gavali, Moreshwar Pangale, Manish Rajput
Creative Idea – Gajanand G
Photographer: AJ Production, Maharastra


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