Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeCampaign NewsJoinville's Emojis Campaign: Putting Safety First on the Streets

Joinville’s Emojis Campaign: Putting Safety First on the Streets

The heart of Joinville’s latest initiative to safeguard its citizens. The ‘Emojis’ campaign, crafted by the renowned ad agency, Magica Comunicação, in collaboration with the Prefeitura de Joinville, is making waves across the city.

Focused on the pressing issue of cell phone usage in traffic, this dynamic campaign employs a blend of film and print media to raise awareness and spark vital conversations about road safety. With three impactful assets tailored for television, billboards, and social media, ‘Emojis’ is more than just a campaign; it’s a rallying cry for safer streets.

Delve into the heart of Joinville’s #SafeJoinville movement, where every emoji paused could mean a life saved. Explore the campaign’s compelling message, witness its engaging visuals, and learn how you can play your part in making Joinville’s roads safer for all. Together, let’s ensure that safety always comes first – because in Joinville, every life matters.


Client: Prefeitura Municipal de Joinville (Departamento de Trânsito)
Advertising Agency: Magica Comunicação
Strategy Director: Rodrigo Ascenção
Creative Director: Evandro da Rosa
Art Director: Evandro da Rosa
Copywriter: Julio Temporal
Account Manager: Priscila Nadja Souza
Production Company: Fragata Filmes
Director: Jean Sutil
Director of Photography: Rodrigo Peller
Client/Approval: Thiago Boeing


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