Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeCampaign NewsSingapore Agencies Back 5th Mental Health Film Festival

Singapore Agencies Back 5th Mental Health Film Festival

Mental health issues are on the rise in Singapore, with a 2022 Ministry of Health survey showing that younger adults aged 18 to 29 face the highest proportion of mental health challenges, with 25.3% reporting poor mental health. In today’s post-Covid world, loneliness, anxiety, and balancing work and personal life have become key concerns, making mental health awareness more important than ever.

To address this growing need, the 5th Mental Health Film Festival Singapore (MHFFS) is taking place from 7 to 10 November 2024. This year, the festival has partnered with several independent agencies to help raise awareness and start important conversations around mental health. Blak Labs, InstaMedia Labs, Upcycle Communications, and Moove Media have all come together to support this cause.

The festival’s theme, “Tickets for Your Thoughts,” is at the heart of an engaging pre-event campaign. Outdoor displays at major MRT stations like Outram, Bugis, Woodleigh, and Beauty World will feature key messages and clips from six international films being showcased at the event. A digital campaign led by InstaMedia Labs, starting mid-September, will help spread the word even further.

Dr. Jade Kua, Chairperson of MHFFS, highlights the importance of this effort: “Films and advertising have the power to bring attention to difficult topics. We are grateful for the support of our agency partners, who are helping us use film to raise mental health awareness.”

This year’s campaign also emphasizes changing public perceptions of mental health with thought-provoking messages like, “It’s rude to stare at people with mental illness. Except when they’re on the big screen.” The goal is to inspire more understanding and open up daily conversations about mental health.

Blak Labs Co-founder Charlie Blower says, “We want to show there’s a positive way to talk about mental health and wellness. This campaign focuses on important topics like social isolation, mental illness, and ageing. We hope to normalize conversations about mental health so it becomes something we talk about every day, not just on special occasions like World Mental Health Day.”

To further their commitment, all supporting agencies will close their offices on World Mental Health Day, October 10, to promote mental wellness among their teams.

The Mental Health Film Festival Singapore runs from 7-10 November 2024, with tickets going on sale from 19 September 2024. The festival aims to spark discussion, raise awareness, and bring mental health into the spotlight through the power of film.


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