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HomeCampaign NewsThe Friday Vietnam Creates Quirky ZaloPay Campaign Shaking Up Financial Habits

The Friday Vietnam Creates Quirky ZaloPay Campaign Shaking Up Financial Habits

In ZaloPay’s latest campaign, quirky inanimate friends like chatty fingernails, wise slippers, and observant walls humorously highlight the clunky and outdated money routines. This new campaign, launched by The Friday, aims to capture the vibrant and dynamic spirit of Vietnam, where tradition and modernity coexist in a delicate balance. ZaloPay, a pioneering fintech company, is set to transform the financial landscape with this innovative approach.

The campaign marks ZaloPay’s transition from being just an e-wallet to a comprehensive payment platform, showcasing its evolution and commitment to revolutionizing how users manage their finances.

“Breaking free from the restraint of tradition has never been easier, especially when it comes to personal finances,” stated the campaign release. “So, who better to shatter old financial habits than the inanimate objects that have silently observed these routines for years?”

The campaign emphasizes how ZaloPay allows users to make payments from all apps, cards, and Apple Pay without the need to link bank accounts. Additionally, the app offers a financial bundle with six products, ranging from savings and stock investments to consumer loans, providing users with a seamless way to manage their money.

The launch of ZaloPay’s new identity has created significant buzz in Vietnam, as reported by The Friday. The campaign features three 30-second films that highlight its key features: seamless payments from any source of funds, diverse financial services, and the ZaloPay Priority program.

With its innovative and engaging campaign, ZaloPay is poised to redefine financial routines and set new standards in the fintech industry in Vietnam.


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