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HomeCampaign NewsUnwrapping Wonder: Johnnie Walker's Unique Unboxing Experience

Unwrapping Wonder: Johnnie Walker’s Unique Unboxing Experience

Captivating Change: Johnnie Walker’s Bold Stand for Gender Equality in Hungary

In a bold move against gender inequality, Johnnie Walker teamed up with Dorko, Hungary’s leading sportswear brand, to introduce a unique sneaker to spark conversation and drive societal change. This groundbreaking campaign, unveiled on International Women’s Day, challenged societal norms with its symbolic act of breaking silence and barriers.

The campaign, aptly named ‘The Uncomfortable Unboxing,’ leveraged influencers to amplify its message, prompting women and men to engage in discussions often sidelined in Hungary’s political landscape. With only 2% of influencers broaching gender inequality, this collaboration aimed to catalyze dialogue and action.

Each sneaker came with an extended label, detailing the struggles and limitations faced by women in Hungary. By removing these labels, wearers symbolically shed light on the need to overcome societal constraints, while proceeds from sales supported the Equator Foundation, championing women’s rights.

The campaign achieved unprecedented success, with all 1,000 pairs of sneakers selling out, driving significant online engagement and website traffic. Notably, Johnnie Walker’s social media presence surged, marking this campaign as a milestone in its commitment to social progress.

This campaign transcended traditional boundaries by creatively intertwining fashion with activism, sparking crucial conversations and effecting tangible change in a region where gender issues often go unaddressed.


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