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Piyush Pandey to be Honored with the 2024 Created for Creatives Legend Award at LIA

Piyush Pandey to Receive 2024 Created for Creatives LIA Legend Award

Mumbai: Piyush Pandey, the former global chief creative officer at Ogilvy, will be honored with the Created for Creatives LIA Legend Award at the London International Awards (LIA) ceremony. The event will take place onsite in Las Vegas on October 1, 2024, with LIA Jurors, Creative LIAisons attendees and speakers, and global press in attendance.

LIA is delighted to bestow Pandey with its 2024 Legend Award, recognizing his significant contributions to the advertising industry. Known as the man who put Indian advertising on the global stage, Pandey is only the second creative luminary to receive this esteemed award. He has been an influential figure at Ogilvy India since 2004 when he was appointed executive chairman. His role as global chief creative officer spanned two and a half years, and he transitioned into an advisory position in January 2024.

Piyush Pandey is celebrated as Indian advertising’s greatest master and its most humble student. He is a creative powerhouse whose ideas have profoundly influenced how a generation of Indians live their lives, from their homes and vehicles to their chocolates and vacations. Pandey’s work has touched every aspect of life, including voting, saving, laundering, and taking pride in their nation.

The LIA Legend Award is presented to industry leaders, past or present, who have demonstrated outstanding creativity through their talent, vision, and generosity. These individuals are relentless in their commitment to building the industry by mentoring, teaching, and developing others. They are recognized not only for their creative brilliance and leadership but also for their selfless dedication to advancing the industry and nurturing talent at all levels.

Barbara Levy, president of LIA, explained the criteria for the award, stating, “We seek individuals who have reshaped the industry for the better. They must possess a wealth of knowledge and experience and generously share it with emerging talent. Piyush has significantly shaped Indian advertising and imparted his knowledge to the global advertising world. His work epitomizes all the qualities David Ogilvy said great leaders should possess – bravery, idealism, curiosity, playfulness, candor, intuition, free-spiritedness, and persistence.”

Terry Savage, chairman of LIA, added, “By presenting this award to Piyush, we acknowledge someone who has extraordinarily given back to others. Piyush has been a role model, an inspiration, and a creative champion to countless individuals who, inspired by his achievements, have embarked on their creative journeys.”

Expressing his gratitude, Pandey said, “I am truly delighted and humbled to receive this award. My success is a testament to the incredible team members I have worked with. Just like in cricket, even the best player cannot win alone. My achievements are due to an amazing team, each a rock star, making me look good. It has been a great joy to be part of LIA and its Creative LIAisons Programme, as I believe the knowledge gained over a lifetime should be shared with the next generation. Advertising is a team effort, and I am honored that LIA has chosen to confer the Legend Award upon me. I wish my parents were alive to share this news. Thank you, LIA.”

As David Ogilvy, a legend himself and the father of advertising, once said, “Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark. Aim for the company of immortals.”

LIA is proud to welcome Piyush Pandey – a man who not only hit it out of the ballpark but has changed the rules – to the line-up of LIA creative legends already awarded and those to come.


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